Monday, 30 November 2009


I'm just back from a physio appointment following the knee op I had last Tuesday and it would appear that some kind of minor miracle is taking place. In short they are pretty amazed at the speed of recovery/progress being made. Ok, so it wasn't a major op (I'm saving that one for January) but it was still an op - similar to one I had on the other knee in May so I thought I knew what to expect.
BUT - there's barely any swelling or bruising - I've full range of movement (flexion & extension) and apart from a bit of stiffness, no pain at all. It's really only when I twist that it actually reminds me it's there and that's possibly because it pulls the stitches.
It almost feels fraudish (is there such a word!!??) to do what they advise and 'take it easy' because it feels so good - especially as the sharp knife-like pain that has been a constant for so long has gone!
Now realistically there are other, underlying problems BUT this is all just brilliant.
God is good. ALL THE TIME.

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