Tuesday, 23 February 2010


The ability to assign value is one of the rarest and most precious gifts in the world. People who live deeply in community learn to discern and express the value of other human beings. They are masters of expressing love in word and gesture. They assign high worth, value and importance to others by viewing them as priceless gifts. They see that in addition to the "as-is" tag, every human being carries another sticker from God: "Made in my image. Worth the life of my Son. My prized possession whose value is beyond calculation."
John Ortberg: Everybody's normal till you get to know them

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

More Knee News.....

So - now 3 weeks post-op - and it would seem that there is nothing short of a miraculous healing process going on! God is good! I've had the last of the staples taken out today and a couple of the visible stitches. There is a whole 'web' of stitching under the skin which will dissolve over time - apparantly it takes quite a few months - especially where there are knots (we're learning all the time).
Physio is incredible. They are getting a range of movement it took twice as long - if not more - to get when I had this same op on my right knee. It really is just so amazing.
I have been so aware of the uplifting in prayer this time round - I know I slipped under the radar last time - and it has made such a difference. I feel so well (aside from the knee stuff that is) and my mind is starting to get back to normal working pace.
Outside of my own situation, I've seen God answer some pretty amazing prayers recently, particularly in the life of a young woman I know, and it has all been SO faith-building. So that, in combination with what I am experiencing, is encouraging me to start dreaming again.
God has plans, of this I am certain, and I am far from finished!
As I said, and will keep saying, God is Good. All the time.
I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for

Wednesday, 3 February 2010


I'm now a week post-op and feeling pretty good considering! I had 4 or 5 days of feeling quite unwell - the leg was uncomfortable (to be expected) but worse that that, I have been quite sick and generally light-headed, dizzy and soooooo tired. But I seemed to turn a bit of a corner yesterday and despite horrible physio (which is going to be a real swine for the next few months anyway), had a pretty good day.
I know I must be feeling better because I'm getting irritated about the mess around the house!! I'm a bit of a clean-freak and like everything to be in it's place and when things are not how I like them to be, I get irritated!
Paul is doing really well, bless him! Jess is snowed under with finishing up coursework and Ells is just Ells - always busy with something and nothing!
I suppose it wouldn't do for us all to be the same - and I suppose 'Team Gibson' works because we are all different.........
Aren't we a funny old bunch!!!!?????!!!!!